Friday, July 31, 2009


Actually, more specifically, flip-flop...That's how I would sum up how I feel about life right now. Some days I am on top of it all and can manage my emotions well, then I come across a day where I feel terrific and unstoppable but fear for my future. It is easy to blame the economy because everyone wants an excuse, or scapegoat, for why they aren't doing what they want. It IS a very good reason, for the economy is to blame for an outstanding unemployment rate, but still as a youngster I do see a good amount of people getting freelance work, or internship opportunities. Through the past couple months since my first and last internship ended in mid-May, I have interviewed at a number of places and applied for more than that, but am stuck in a rut. Which isn't too bad if you think of it, because you say when the time is right it will happen and you want to work somewhere that is right for you...BUT where is the consideration on both parts? I have been taught to be considerate of others, it's almost as common as putting on clothes in the morning (sorry nudists). After interviewing at the last place for a full-time position, I left feeling great about how things went, I got along really well with them and I felt as if I had left a good impression. I came home, made up some thank you cards, sent them in to those who interviewed me and even sent a follow-up email the following week to make sure that there weren't any delivery issues. That was 4+ weeks ago, and I still have NOT heard anything! Not even a simple "Thank you for interviewing, but unfortunately we went with someone else. This is why..." Common courtesy, when it isn't given, it leaves someone wondering what they did or didn't do...I don't know. I am open to relocating, I have been applying where I can in-and-out-of-state. I know down the road I will be working happily, but it'd be nice to have some sort of sign instead of this disregard for communication.

I feel like tacos


  1. This was very deep for 8:14 in the morning. I hope the info I emailed you helps.

  2. I have a lot on my mind early in the morning, especially since I don't usually start doing my work until 10, I have some time to think. Thanks for the info, I shall see what comes of it, I don't have 2 years of "experience" which seems to be what they are looking for
