Saturday, August 1, 2009

Stop and Smell the Weather

After a long week of weird weather patterns it is the weekend, and nothing beats a beatiful 70 degree Saturday to kick-start a new month. It is August first and for the first time, no pun intended, in a while I have decided that life is too precious to sit about worrying of miniscule things like finding my dream job immediately; right this second. Not that it wouldn't make my millenium per se to land an awesome internship or job which would make all this 10x better (question mark), but I shouldn't let it affect my day out 'n' aboot.

My cousin, his wife and their 3 kids are visiting us from NYC on their way out west for a camping extravaganza so there is a little scent of overwhelming lingering in the air. They are out for the day, managing mischief. My brother asked me if I wanted to bike around Lake Monona (one of 2 lakes isthmus'ing Madison's downtown and one of many lakes surrounding the area). It takes about 45 minutes to an hour to bike around and you get to experience bits and pieces of Madison's many communities. From residential Monona to crowded Downtown Madison, one gets a sense of how large of a city Madison really is (and it is still growing).

I don't know what is in store for the rest of the weekend but planning creates chaos and that's not how I roll.

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